Monday, November 12, 2012

Wrong Meal - Don't Care

Tonight was a day like any other. I had the correct breakfast (the one I chose last week), same with lunch. But then, here comes the twist to the day, a different dinner awaited me; one that I didn't chose.

I told one of the nurses and she checked my meal plan. At first she thought I was lying so that I could get out of eating. But, to her surprise, I was correct. I had gotten a meal that I didn't order.

Did I care? Yes. Did my thoughts go all over the place, telling me that it's a good excuse not to eat. Yes. Did I listen to those thoughts? Did I act on them? Did I succumb to them? NO.

Even though I wasn't pleased with the meal that I was faced with - with what was in front of me - I ate everything on that plate, down to the last crumb. Although it didn't taste delicious, I didn't give in to my thoughts. I'm stronger than them.

I kept telling myself that my body needs those nutrients, those calories, regardless of whether it is something that I enjoy eating - something that I actually chose for my meal plan - or not. Like the saying goes, yolo:

You only live once.

Time to make the best of it.


  1. Hi Hannah,
    kannst stolz auf Dich sein :-)
    und manchmal kommt man ja auch drauf, dass etwas anderes als das Übliche überraschenderweise sogar ganz lecker sein kann - zumindest eine neue Erfahrung..mir geht´s zumindest manchmal so...

    ...und der Tempel Deiner wunderbaren Seele wird´s Dir lohnen, wenn Du ihn gesund und kräftig machst :-)

    Take care of You

  2. Liebe Sanna,
    Danke fuer die netten Worte. Du hast natuerlich vollkommen Recht, mein Koerper - mein Tempel - wird mir nur dankbar sein.
    Es ist jetzt schon zwei Mal passiert, dass ich das falsche Essen bekommen habe, aber ich konnte mich jedesmal ueberwinden es doch zu essen. Das eine Mal hat es mir sogar geschmeckt!
