Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Goodbye Intensive Psychiatric Station, Hello 6B.

This morning I received the best news yet. One of the leading doctor's, my favorite - an added plus - came into the room, straight up to my bed with a big, ginormous grin on his face and said "There's a bed open for you." At first I couldn't register anything. A bed? I have a bed here...But then I remembered the talks I had with him and the other doctor's last week about possibly moving to a different station at the hospital - one that specializes in people with eating disorders - in three or four weeks when one out of the twenty beds opens up. They said three to four weeks; but now, it's tomorrow. It only took six days after our talks.

I can't believe that it's my last night here; feelings of schadenfreude fill the room. It's too early and it's too short notice, I think to myself. But then again, it's good because the station I'm moving is specifically for people with eating disorders and the therapy that is provided there is much more meaningful and helpful there. I just don't want to leave my roommates here, I've become so close with some of them. 

So, enough with the blogging, time to get packing.

Tomorrow I'll be writing from my new room, in the new station, surrounded by new people and new faces. 


  1. Glückwunsch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ist es nicht kurios, dass man offenbar sogar beim Verlassen einer psychatrischen Intensivstation einen gewissen Abschiedsschmerz empfindet? Und eine gewisse Hemmschwelle vor dem Unbekannten ist wohl auch immer da.
    Die neue Umgebung und der "frische Wind" wird Dir guttun! In Wirklichkeit bist Du jetzt auch ein anderer Mensch als der, der damals im akh ankam. Du bist wieder ein Mensch, der handelt und der Zukunftspläne hat, und vor allem Du bist wieder jemand, der eine Zukunft hat!
    Liebe Grüsse!

    1. Besser koennte ich es selbst nicht in Worte fassen. Das ist genau was ich denke und fuehle :) Ich hab so eine Ahnung, wer du seien koenntest hihi
