Sunday, October 21, 2012

Goodbye Bedrest

Laughter, chatter, gossip - the exchanges and sounds of other people. That's what filled the air here today, at least for me as I was finally put off of bedrest! I no longer need to sit in my bed minute after minute and bore myself to death. 

Although it doesn't seem like much, since I am only allowed to walk around in the station itself, the only room I can really go into besides the one I'm residing in is the TV room that, at the same time, is the smoker room also. Even though it's a plain room - the wall has a craack and is mustard yellow, there is no windows and it generally is a mess - there is life inside. 

Today, I was in there with two other patients, one of whom has become a dear friend of mine, and another friend that came to visit us. And we were able to really talk, like women do when they meet up for the cup of coffee at starbucks in the mornings. I was finally able to talk with friends and I wasn't stuck sitting on my bed, or in my room for the matter of fact. I wasn't reminded of my illness. I felt normal. I'm learning how to feel and be normal again, and that's all that matters. I just need to remember that.

Weight gain is a slow process, and it takes time. I need to patient. I've been here the longest out of all eight patients, since September 7, and will still be here for a while because of my weight. I haven't gained a lot, which comes to show how messed up my bodily functions have become because of what I put my body through. I had to learn the hard way and now I just need to remain tolerant and not give up. I got this.

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Hannah!
    Du hast mich auf eine Idee gebracht.
    Ich habe einen kleinen Sohn, der sehr gerne Geschichten hört. Da er früher nicht gern gegessen hat, musste ich ihm immer was erzählen, damit das Essen nicht so langweilig war. So habe ich viele Geschichten erfunden. Eine davon gefiel mir und ich beschloss, ein Buch daraus zu machen.
    Inzwischen hat mein Sohn den Genuss des Essens entdeckt und er kann auch schon selber lesen (obwohl er es noch immer liebt, wenn man ihm beim Essen vorliest).
    Das Buch wurde in einem kleinen Verlag gedruckt und ich habe fast alle Exemplare an Freunde verschenkt.
    Nun passt Du nicht gerade in die Kategorie Kleinkind, der ich das Buch gegeben hätte, aber eine kleine Gutenachtgeschichte hat noch keinem geschadet, vor allem wenn man im Krankenhaus ist.
    Ich werde die Geschichte kapitelweise in einem Blog veröffentlichen und wenn Du mal Bedarf an einer kleinen Märchenstunde hast, findest Du sie hier:

    Glückwunsch zu Deinen neuen riesigen Fortschritten!
    Liebe Grüsse!
